Computerized Manufacturing

Computerized manufacturing refers to the dynamic future of computer aided design and manufacturing. Often referred to as CNC, computerized manufacturing and machining plays a vital role in the evolving world of modern manufacturing. But what is CNC, exactly? How does it play a role in the manufacturing industry, and what do CNC machinists do? How can you find the right CNC machinists who have taken the time to gain job ready skills fit for the world of CNC machining today?

What is Computer Integrated Manufacturing?

CNC or Computer Numerical Control machines are automated machines operated by computers executing a pre-written program. Today’s modern CNC machines help to replace the need for workers dealing directly with dangerous equipment by manufacturing a system that understands computer code, which can be written to produce precise measurements for production, like feed rate, speed, location, and coordination.

Computer Aided Drafting Techniques

Computer-aided design and drafting systems have increased design and drafting productivity. This aspect of computerized manufacturing takes work that is traditionally done by manual drawings using pencil or ink and upgrades it to a sophisticated software.

Computer Aided Process Planning

Computer-aided process planning, or CAPP, involves using computer technology for designing physical products. It goes along with things like computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing such as CNC mentioned above, but computer-aided process planning focuses on industrial processes.

Finding the Right Operators

In order to be competent and gain knowledge about CNC technologies, machinists must first be students willing to complete two years of quality education in the field. CNC machinists require additional information and skills compared to manual machine operators, and a proficiency should be established before hiring.

CNC Machining with BF&S

At BF&S, we offer a turn-key solution to supply quality manufacturing products, like CNC machining and much more, to our customers.

BF&S’ shelter services allow our clients to have full control of their quality and production, benefiting from our experience and knowledge of the local market, and eliminating the need to make sizable investments in physical and human assets.

BF&S performs the tasks and functions that are not core to the manufacturing process, thus allowing our clients to focus on those areas that affect profitability and growth.

To learn more, please continue exploring our website.

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